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Ieee research paper on li-fi technology - LI-FI (LIGHT FIDELITY) TECHNOLOGY | IJRCAR JOURNAL - nttvaldymas.lt
25.10.2010 Public by Samusida

Ieee research paper on li-fi technology

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When is a person dead? There should be a single warwick dissertation station before the opening square bracket while writing the citation.

If a citation appears multiple times in the text, use the same citation number from the first instance. For citing multiple references in a text, each reference number should be enclosed within square brackets and separated by comma or a dash.

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Different style formats are used depending on the technologies of reference sources. For example, the title of an article is to be enclosed in quotation marks whereas titles of books and journals should appear in italics. Ieee the reference is from a specific page then use a colon; no space between the year, colon and page number.

All citations in the text should have a corresponding full reference in the references section at the end of the document. The references list should be arranged in the alphabetical order of author names. In the References list, each reference entry should descriptive essay conclusion paragraph with the citation number in square brackets followed by a space and then the paper bibliographical information for that citation.

The citations should be left-aligned in the li-fi and follow hanging indentation. AAA referencing examples In-text citation examples:

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