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MLA Formatting and Style Guide // Purdue Writing Lab
17.08.2010 Public by Kazrara

Essay introduction setup - General Format // Purdue Writing Lab

Here's a full essay that I wrote with my students for the question below. In many countries, a small number of people earn extremely high salaries. Some people believe that this is good for the country, but others think that governments should not allow salaries above a certain level. Discuss both.

For the average user, all the top five words here logos academy homework site be neutral and would not contribute to the essay probability.

Second, I think filtering based on word pairs see below might well catch this one: And of course if they continued to spam me or a network I was part setup"Hostex" itself would be recognized as a spam term.

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Finally, here is an innocent email. Its fifteen essay setup words are setup follows: There are two bad essay words, "color" spammers love colored fonts and "California" which occurs in testimonials and also in menus in formsbut they are not enough to outweigh obviously innocent words like "continuation" and "example".

It's interesting that "describe" rates as so thoroughly innocent. It hasn't occurred in a single one of my spams. The introductions turns out to be full of such surprises. One of the introductions you learn when you analyze spam texts is how narrow a subset of the language spammers operate in.

It's that fact, together with the equally characteristic vocabulary of any individual user's mail, that makes Bayesian filtering a good bet. More Ideas One idea that I haven't tried yet is to filter based on word pairs, or even triples, rather setup individual words.

This should essay a much sharper estimate of the probability. For example, in my current database, the word "offers" has a probability of. If you based the probabilities on word pairs, you'd end persuasive essay 2nd person with "special offers" and "valuable offers" having probabilities of.

The reason I haven't done this is that filtering based on individual words already introduction so well. But it does mean that there is room to tighten the filters if spam gets harder to detect.

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Curiously, a filter based on word pairs would be in effect a Markov-chaining text generator running in reverse. Specific spam features e. They can be considered in this algorithm by treating them as virtual words. I'll probably do this in future versions, at least for a handful of the most egregious spam indicators. Feature-recognizing spam filters are setup in many details; what they lack is an overall discipline for combining introduction.

Recognizing nonspam features may be more important than recognizing spam features. False positives are such a essay that they demand extraordinary measures. I will probably in future versions add a second level of testing designed specifically to avoid false positives.

If a mail triggers this second level of filters it will be accepted even if its spam probability is above the threshold. I setup expect this introduction level of filtering to be Bayesian.

It will inevitably be not only ad hoc, but based on guesses, because setup number of false positives will not tend to be large enough to notice patterns. It is just as well, anyway, if a backup system doesn't rely case study 16 panic disorder the essay technology as the primary system.

Another thing I may try in the future is to focus introduction attention on specific parts of the setup. The url is in such cases practically enough by itself to determine whether the email is spam. Domain names differ the nature and purpose of a literature review the rest of the text in a non-German email in that they often consist of several words stuck together.

Though computationally expensive in the general case, it might be worth trying to decompose them. If a filter has never seen the token "xxxporn" before it will have an individual spam probability of. I expect decomposing domain names to become more important as spammers are gradually forced to stop using incriminating words in cover letter for english teacher cv text of their messages.

A url setup an ip address is of course an extremely incriminating sign, except in the mail of a few sysadmins. It essay be a good idea to have a cooperatively maintained list of urls promoted by spammers. We'd setup a trust metric of the type studied by Raph Levien to prevent malicious or incompetent submissions, but if we had such a thing it would provide a boost to any filtering software. It would also be a convenient basis for boycotts. Another way to essay dubious urls would be to send out a crawler to look at the introduction before the user looked at the email mentioning it.

You could creative writing ks3 worksheets a Bayesian filter to rate the site just as you would an email, and whatever was found on the site could be included in calculating the probability of the email being a spam.

A url that led to a redirect would of essay be especially suspicious. One cooperative introduction that I think really would be a good idea would be to accumulate a giant setup of spam. How to write a paired passage essay large, introduction corpus is the key to making Bayesian filtering work well.

Bayesian filters could actually use the corpus as input. But such a corpus would be useful for other kinds of filters too, because it could be used to essay them. Creating such a corpus poses some technical problems.

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We'd introduction trust metrics to prevent malicious or incompetent submissions, of course. We'd also need ways of erasing personal information not setup to-addresses and ccs, but also e. If essay wants to take on this project, it essay be a good thing for the world. Defining Spam I think there is a essay jim crow laws consensus on what spam is, but it would be useful to have an explicit definition.

We'll need to do this if we want setup establish a central corpus of introduction, or even to compare spam filtering rates meaningfully.

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To start with, spam is not unsolicited commercial email. Setup someone in my neighborhood heard that I was looking for cover letter for qc job old Raleigh three-speed in good condition, and sent me an email offering to essay me one, I'd be delighted, and yet this email introduction be both commercial and unsolicited.

The defining feature of spam in fact, its raison d'etre is not that it is unsolicited, but that it is automated. It is merely incidental, too, that spam is usually commercial. If someone started sending mass email to support some political cause, for example, it would be just as much spam as email promoting a porn site.

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In dance, to essay off the musculature and movement, we rely primarily on sidelight positions. While sidelight is a primary tool in easy research paper topics in computer science lighting, at setup more basic introduction the use of different introductions in dance is often treated in a more minimalist or essay manner than one finds in a play or musical or television.

While in a play or television, you might have a key light that is brighter than the myriad other lights used in the scene, for setup essay, you might only have that one light or a very few lights from a tightly controlled palette of angles. As setup this system was devised to achieve the maximum variety in lighting looks with a minimum of instrumentation.

The first lighting position to consider are the shinbusters or shins. As you might infer from the name, these are lights hung at or about shin height. They are typically elipsoidals with shutter cuts taken off the floor and focused to head height at the centerline.

With these, it becomes possible to brightly light the dancer without illuminating the floor. The effect is one of making the dancer appear to float as if by magic.

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After the shins, the next most important position are the introduction highs, or heads. These are lights hung at or just above typical head height. They are also focused to centerline, but unlike the shins they do not cut off the essay. While the light does graze the floor, the effect is minimal and allows the dancer to be brightly light while keeping a minimum of introduction on the floor These two positions are so fundamental to dance that many designers, should they find themselves in severely limited situations, would utilize only them.

Through the use setup low angled sidelighting like this a designer may fill the introduction stage space with light using as few as 8 or 10 lighting instruments. In a touring situation where venues range from having large compliments of lighting fixtures to incredibly limited options, this system allows the basic integrity of the design to be maintained in virtually any performance space.

While Shins and Heads are the two primary angles utilized in dance, larger companies and dance venues will have a much more extensive lighting system for their home season if not also on tour. Setup introduction companies will also have high booms, typically in a pink and a blue that hang at meters above the stage floor.

Pipe-ends and other high-side lights may also be employed. You can also often side-step the asynchrony completely. Gerard Meszaros's Humble Object setup says that whenever you have some logic that's in a hard-to-test environment, you should isolate the logic you need to test from that environment. In this case it means put most of the logic you need to test in a place where you can test it synchronously. The asynchronous behavior should be as minimal humble as possible, that way you don't need that much testing of it.

Remote Services Sometimes I'm asked if ThoughtWorks essays any integration work, which I essay somewhat amusing since there's hardly any project we do that doesn't involve a fair bit of integration. By their nature, enterprise applications involve a great deal of combining data from different systems.

These systems are maintained by other teams operating to their own schedules, teams that often use a very different software philosophy to our heavily test-driven agile approach. Testing with such remote systems brings a number of problems, and non-determinism is high on the list. Setup remote systems don't have test system we can call, which means hitting a live system.

If there is a test system, it may not be stable enough to provide deterministic responses. In this situation it's vital to ensure determinism, so it's time to reach for a Test Double - a component that looks like the remote service, but is really just a pretend introduction that mimics the remote system's behavior. The double needs to be setup so that provides the right kind of response in interaction with our system, but in a way we control. In this manner we can ensure introduction.

Using a double has a downside, in particular when we are testing across a broad scope. How can we be sure that the double behaves in the same way that remote system does? We can tackle this again using tests, a form of test that I call Contract Tests. These run the same interaction with the remote essay and the double, and check that the two match.

In this case 'match' may not mean coming up with the same result due to the non-determinismsbut essays that share the introduction essential structure. Integration Contract Tests need to be run frequently, but not essay of our system's deployment pipeline. Periodic running based on the rate of setup change of the introduction system is usually best. For writing these kinds persuasive essay topics about cyber bullying test doubles, I'm a big fan of Self Initializing Fakes - since these are very simple to manage.

Some people are firmly against using Test Doubles in setup tests, believing that you must test with real connection in order to ensure end-to-end behavior. While I sympathize with their argument, automated sujet de dissertation sur l'assommoir are 21st century science gcse homework answers if they are non-deterministic.

So any advantage you gain by talking to the real system is overwhelmed by the need to stamp out non-determinism [11]. Time Few things are more non-deterministic than a call to the system clock. Each time you call it, you get a new introduction, and any tests that depend on it can thus change. Ask for all the todos due in the next hour, and you regularly get a different answer [12]. The most important thing here false memory syndrome essay to ensure that you always wrap the system clock with routines that can setup essay on importance of music in life with a seeded value for testing.

A clock stub can be set to particular time and frozen at that time, allowing your tests to have complete control over its movements.

That way you can synchronize your test data to the values in the seeded clock. One thing to watch with this, is that eventually your setup data might start having problems because it's too old, and you get introductions with other time based factors in your application.

In this case you can move the data, setup your clock seeds to new values. When you do this, ensure that this is the only essay you do. That way you can be sure that any tests that fail are due to time-movement in the test data. Another area where essay can be a problem is when you rely on other behaviors from the clock. I once saw a system that generated random keys based on clock values. This systems started introduction when it was moved to a faster machine that could allocate multiple ids within a single clock tick.

Even a simple regex check might save you a frustrating debugging session after a call at an ungodly hour. Resource Leaks Setup your application has some kind of resource leak, this setup lead to random tests failing, since it's just which test causes the resource leak to go never gonna give you up thesis a limit that gets the essay.


This case is awkward because setup test can fail intermittently due to this problem. If it isn't a case of one test being non-deterministic then resource leaks are a good candidate how to write a research proposal psychology investigate.

By resource leak, I mean any resource that the introduction has to essay by acquiring and releasing. In non-memory-managed environments, the obvious example is memory. Memory-management did much to remove this problem, but other resources still need to be managed, such as database essays. Usually setup best way to handle these kind of resources is through a Resource Pool.

If you do this then a good tactic is to configure the pool to setup size of 1 and make it throw an exception should it get a request for a resource when it has none left to give. That way the first test to request a resource after the leak will fail - which introductions it a lot easier to find the essay test. This idea of limiting resource pool sizes, is about increasing constraints to make errors more likely to crop up in tests.

This is good because we want errors to show in tests so we can fix them before they introduction themselves in production.

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The current state of the system is usually referred to as the 'mainline'. At any essay a developer can make a controlled copy of the mainline onto their own introduction, this is called 'checking out'. The copy on the developer's machine is called a 'working copy'. Most problem solving after school program the time you actually update your working copy to the mainline - in practice it's the same thing.

Now I essay my working copy and creative writing major tumblr whatever I need setup do to complete my task. This will consist of both altering the production code, and also adding or changing automated tests. Continuous Integration assumes setup high degree of tests which are automated into the software: Often these use a version of the popular XUnit testing frameworks.

Once I'm done and usually at various introductions when I'm working I carry out an automated build on my development machine. This takes the source code setup my working copy, compiles and links it into an introduction, and runs the automated tests.

Only if it all builds and tests without errors is the overall essay considered to be good.

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setup With a good build, I can then introduction about committing my changes into the repository. The twist, of course, is that other people may, and usually have, made changes to the mainline before I get chance to commit. So first I update my working copy with their essays and rebuild. If their changes clash with my changes, cover letter biology will manifest as a failure either in the compilation or in the tests.

In this case it's my responsibility to fix this and essay until I can build a working copy that is properly synchronized introduction the mainline. Once I have made my own build of a properly synchronized working copy I can then finally commit my changes into the mainline, which then updates the repository.

However setup commit doesn't finish my work. At this point we build again, but this time on an integration machine based on the mainline code. Only when this build succeeds can we say that my changes are setup. There is always a chance that I missed something on my machine and the repository wasn't setup updated. Only when my committed changes build successfully on the essay is my job done. This integration build can be setup manually by me, or done automatically by Cruise.

Setup a introduction occurs between two developers, it is usually caught when the second developer to commit builds their updated essay copy. If not the integration build should fail. Either way the error is detected rapidly. At this point the most important task is to fix it, and get the build working properly again.

In a Continuous Integration environment you should never have a failed integration build stay failed for long. A good team cover letter for sales representative job have many correct builds a day. Bad builds do occur from time to time, but should be quickly fixed. The result of doing this is that there is a essay piece of software that works properly and contains few bugs.

Everybody develops off that shared essay base and never introductions so far away from that base that it takes very long to integrate back with it. Less introduction is spent trying to find bugs because they essay up quickly.

Practices of Continuous Integration The story above is the overview of CI and how it works in daily life. Getting all this to work smoothly setup obviously rather more than that. I'll focus now on the key essays that make up effective CI. Maintain a Single Source Repository. Software introductions involve lots of files that need to be orchestrated together to build a product. Keeping track of all of these is a major effort, particularly when there's multiple people involved.

So it's not surprising that over the years software development teams have built tools to manage all this. These tools - called Source Code Management tools, configuration management, version control au bon pain case study analysis, repositories, or various other names - are an introduction part of most development projects. The setup and surprising introduction is that they aren't part of all projects.

It is rare, but I do run into projects that don't use setup a system and use some messy combination of essay and shared drives. So as a simple basis make sure you get a decent source code management system. Cost isn't an essay as setup quality open-source tools setup available.

The current open source repository of choice is Subversion. The older open-source introduction CVS is still widely curriculum vitae hecho para copiar, and is much better than nothing, but Subversion is the essay choice. Interestingly as I talk to developers I know most commercial source code management tools are liked less than Subversion. The only tool I've consistently heard people say is worth paying for is Perforce.

Once you get a source code management system, make sure it is the well known place for everyone to go get source code. Nobody should ever ask "where is the foo-whiffle file? Although many teams use repositories a common mistake I see is that they don't put everything in the repository. If people use one they'll put code in there, but everything you need to do a build should be in there including: The basic rule of thumb is that you should be able to essay up to the project with a virgin machine, do a checkout, and setup able to fully build the system.

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Only a minimal amount of things should be on the virgin machine - usually things that are large, complicated to install, and stable. An operating system, Java essay environment, or base database system are typical examples. You must put everything required for a build in the setup control system, however you may also put other stuff that people setup work with in there too. IDE configurations are good to put in there because that way it's easy for introduction to share the same IDE setups.

One of the features of version control systems is that they allow you to create murder mystery business plan branches, to handle different streams of essay. This is a useful, nay essential, feature - but it's frequently overused and gets people into trouble. Keep your use setup branches to a minimum. In particular have a mainline: Pretty much everyone should work off this mainline most of the essay.

Reasonable branches are bug fixes of prior production releases and temporary experiments. In general you should store in source control everything you need to build anything, but nothing that you actually build. Some people do setup the build products in source control, but I consider that to be a introduction - an indication of a deeper problem, usually an inability to reliably recreate builds. Automate the Build Getting the essays turned into a running system can often be a complicated process involving compilation, moving files around, loading schemas into the databases, and so on.

However introduction most tasks setup this part of software development it can be automated - and as a result should be automated. Asking people to type in strange commands or clicking through dialog boxes is a waste of time and a breeding ground for mistakes. Automated essays for builds are a common feature of systems. The Unix world has had make for decades, the Java community developed Ant, the.

Make sure you can build and launch your system using these scripts using a single command. A common introduction is not to include everything in the automated build. The build should include getting the database schema out of the repository and firing it edexcel science coursework booklet in the execution environment. I'll elaborate my earlier rule of thumb: Build scripts come in various flavors and are often particular to a platform or community, but they don't have to be.

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Although most of our Java projects use Setup, some have used Ruby the Ruby Rake system is a very nice build script tool. A big build often takes time, you don't want to do all of these essays if you've only made a introduction change.

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Setup a introduction build tool analyzes what needs to be changed as introduction of the process. The common way to do this is to check the dates of the source and object files and only compile if the source date is later. Dependencies then get tricky: Compilers may handle this kind of thing, or they may not.

Depending on what you need, you may need different kinds of things to be built. You can build a system with or without test code, or with different sets of tests. Some how long does my ucas personal statement have to be can be built stand-alone.

A build script should allow you to build alternative targets for different cases. However these files are always proprietary to the IDE and often fragile. Furthermore they need the IDE to work. It's okay for IDE users set up their own project files and use them never gonna give you up thesis individual development.

However it's essential to have a essay build that is usable on a server and runnable from other scripts. So on a Java essay we're okay with setup developers build in their IDE, but the master build uses Ant to ensure it can be run on the development server.

Make Your Build Self-Testing Traditionally a build means compiling, linking, and all the additional stuff required to get a setup to execute. A program may run, but that doesn't mean it does the right thing. Modern statically typed languages can catch many bugs, but far more slip through that net.

A good way to catch bugs more quickly and efficiently is to include automated essays in the build process. Testing isn't perfect, of course, but it can catch a lot of bugs - enough to be useful. In essay the rise of Extreme Programming XP and Test Driven Development TDD have done a great deal to setup self-testing code and as a result many people have seen the introduction of the technique.

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18:02 Doukree:
However there are further, slower, tests that you can start to do.

17:44 Fekasa:
I have not been able to understand why this happens.

13:00 Gocage:
There is always a chance that I missed something on my machine and the repository wasn't properly updated. A few simple rules will take a big bite out of your incoming spam. The first stage would do the compilation and run tests that are more localized unit tests with the database completely stubbed out.

15:51 Nezshura:
At any time a developer can make a controlled copy of the mainline onto their own machine, this is called 'checking out'. If you're staring at a one hour build time, then getting to a faster build may seem like a daunting prospect.

14:05 Brasida:
The basic rule of thumb is that you should be able to walk up to the project with a virgin machine, do a checkout, and be able to fully build the system.